Covering Your Ass(ets) in your Fitness Business: Understanding Liability as a Business Owner, Your Liability Waiver, and Liability Insurance
The goal of this course is to teach you - the fitness instructor, wellness provider, studio owner - what you’ll need to know about running a liability-free fitness and wellness business. We’ll talk about:
The difference of being a Sole Proprietor vs. an LLC/S-Corp;
What your Liability Waiver needs to say to cover you (including COVID language and considerations);
What your Liability Insurance should cover, how much coverage you need, and what companies are fit-pro extra-friendly; and
The key takeaways to cover your ass in business...and I’m not just talking fun leggings!
You’ll finish this course having a strong sense of relief knowing you’ve taken the steps to protect your business and your clients’ wellbeing.
Cost: $50
Money Management 101: How to Manage Your Hard Earned $$ and How to Organize Your Deductions
This course is for all my business owners who:
Are ready to feel confident about your business' finances;
Want to understand the importance of managing your money smarter;
Want to learn how to organize your revenue and expenses so your money is working for you; and
Are here to earn more, while serving your clients with purpose.
I will teach you the easy and fool-proof way to organize your business’ expenses and revenue so you’re not stressed come tax season, and can confidently understand your business’ financial health.
This course is a can’t miss for ALL small business owners!
Cost: $50
Coming Next!
How to (Legally) Launch Your Online Platform for Success;
Done For You Scripts For Your Newsletters, Brand Partners Outreach, and Email Marketing;
Contracting With Your Clients: How Client Agreements and Terms of Services Will Make You $ and Make Your Clients Happier;
Stop Winging It and Create a Business Plan For Your Profitable, Purpose-Driven Business.
Come on - who doesn’t!?
For insider business and financial tips from industry experts, previews of new courses and products, and a cheesy joke or two, sign up with your email address below! I promise to only grace your inbox with value and positivity.